Shortly after her divorce, my Grandmother introduced my Brother and I to her friend "Mr. Pete." One summer in the early 1970's they showed up to take us for the summer in a big new motorhome! It's hard to imagine that thing with a new car smell and everything working, but it did.
We traveled up and down the coast of California that summer and camped at Big Sur and in the giant redwood forest. It was a great adventure for two little kids who never went anywhere. Even the discovery of the naked hippies skinny-dipping in a pond in the forest was a very memorable experience. This was my first introduction to a car that was also a house! I've always had a fondness for rv's because of those early experiences but it would be over forty years before I got one of my own.
1974 Winnebago Chieftan Custom

1974 Winnebago Chieftan Custom
When they go fishing, it is not really fish they are after. It is a philosophic meditation. ~E.T. Brown