1,708 hits
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I've never been big on "selfies" so the selection of pictures that I have of myself is somewhat limited. Somewhere, I have more pictures of me throughout my life. As I come across them, I will try to include them along with the stories they go along with. As you can see, I've always been a real "bluejeans & t-shits" kind of guy, so no judging please, haha!
1,522 hits
1,706 hits
1,174 hits
6,142 hits
1,913 hits
6,491 hits
6,897 hits
5,416 hits
594 hits
600 hits
591 hits
5,193 hits
572 hits
599 hits
5,083 hits
2,502 hits
2,532 hits
581 hits
587 hits
2,560 hits
2,539 hits
565 hits
561 hits
2,480 hits
2,503 hits
2,496 hits
2,482 hits
2,459 hits
2,487 hits
2,549 hits
2,482 hits
2,496 hits
2,743 hits
2,469 hits
2,455 hits
2,481 hits
2,466 hits
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You exist in time, but you belong to eternity. ~Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
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